An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens. They can include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander.
Your immune system’s job is to keep you healthy by fighting harmful pathogens. It does this by attacking anything it thinks could put your body in danger. Depending on the allergen, this response may involve inflammation, sneezing, or a host of other symptoms.
Your immune system normally adjusts to your environment. For example, when your body encounters something like pet dander, it should realize it’s harmless. In people with dander allergies, the immune system perceives it as an outside invader threatening the body and attacks it.
Allergies are common. Several treatments can help you avoid your symptoms.
Symptoms of allergies
The symptoms you experience because of allergies are the result of several factors. These include the type of allergy you have and how severe the allergy is.
If you take any medication before an anticipated allergic response, you may still experience some of these symptoms, but they may be reduced.